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Monday, February 12, 2018

The stages that a software undergoes before its release- Software release cycle

Release cycle: Pre-Alpha->Alpha->Beta->Release candidate->Software release

A software undergoes various stages of development before it is ready for public release. The software release must be bug free and stable. The software that is released to the public is stable version which usually has no or few bugs.

The first stage of software development is the Pre-Alpha stage where the primary functions are implemented and software gets ready for initial testing.

Then it moves into the alpha stage where it is subjected to several tests. This alpha version is released only to a very small group(usually the developers) as it is quite unstable and buggy in most cases of softwares. If a release is an open one then it is released publically. When the alpha version of the software gets all the features which was planned, it then enters the beta stage.

The beta software contains bugs which are either known or unknown. It is released to a further bigger audience for testing. Some firmwares release it publically for users to test and send reports on the bugs they encounter. When the bugs encountered are fixed the software enters the gamma/delta stage which is a quite stable. This stable version is released publically to few users to finalize that there are no potential bugs in the software.

As soon as this stage is passed the software is ready for release which is known stable release. This release is signed by the developer to verify authenticity of the user. Then copies of the software are made and send for customer consumption through market or through internet. The same procedure is followed in giving that software release its update to include more features or remove bugs.

These are the stages that a software undergoes before its release and in each stage it improves with decrease in bugs.


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