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Friday, March 24, 2017

Content Validity - How and When?


Content-Validity – Meaning

The idea of content validity is about the questions administered in a survey, questionnaire, usability test, or outcome of relevant content from focus group.

For example

Specially made Grape juice is offered to expert tasters to test whether it is smackingly refreshing. There are list of qualities in the juice to be smackingly refreshing. If those qualities are present in those then the content of the Grape Juice is “smackingly refreshing” and the content of the grape juice serves its purpose.

Content Validity – How and When?

The following questions will be answered in this section.

  1. How is content validity measured?

  2. How do researchers know if an assessment has content validity?

  3. When this validity needs to be tested?

Content validity is most often measured by relying on the knowledge of people who are familiar with the construct being measured. These subject-matter experts are usually provided with access to the measurement tool and are asked to provide feedback on how well each question measures the construct in question. Their feedback is then analyzed, and informed decisions can be made about the effectiveness of each question. This test of content validity mostly applies to survey and in some types of science experiments too.

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Content validity, Test of Validity, #ContentValidity, #TestOfValidity, Deepa-Enlighten

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