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Thursday, March 23, 2017

Criterion validity Using Correlation

Criterion Validity using Correlation

Meaning of Criterion Validity

Criterion validity (or criterion-related validity) measures how well one measure predicts an outcome for another measure. A test has this type of validity if it is useful for predicting performance or behavior in another situation (past, present, or future). For example:

  • A regular juice taker monitors to test the body-healing effects of Pomegranates. If this test accurately predicts how well the Pomegranates heals the body, then the test is said to have criterion validity.

  • A graduate student takes the GRE. The GRE has been shown as an effective tool (i.e. it has criterion validity) for predicting how well a student will perform in graduate studies.

The first measure (in the above examples, the body-healing effects test and the GRE) is sometimes called the predictor variable or the estimator. The second measure is called the criterion variable as long as the measure is known to be a valid tool for predicting outcomes.

One major problem with criterion validity, especially when used in the social sciences, is that relevant criterion variables can be hard to come by.

Types of Criterion Validity

The three types are:

  • Predictive Validity: if the test accurately predicts what it is supposed to predict. For example, the SAT exhibits predictive validity for performance in college. It can also refer to when scores from the predictor measure are taken first and then the criterion data is collected later.

  • Concurrent Validity: when the predictor and criterion data are collected at the same time. It can also refer to when a test replaces another test (i.e. because it’s cheaper). For example, a written driver’s test replaces an in-person test with an instructor.

  • Postdictive validity: if the test is a valid measure of something that happened before. For example, does a test for adult memories of childhood events work?

More Examples of Criterion Validity

As an example of criterion validity, imagine science reasoning essay examination that was developed to admit students into a science course at the university. Criterion validity for this new science essay exam would consist of the following:

  • Convergent Validity: The new science exam should have high correlations with other science exams, particularly well established science exams.

  • Divergent Validity: The new science exam should have low correlations with measures of writing ability because the exam should only measure science reasoning, not writing ability.

  • Predictive Validity: The new science exam should have high correlations with future grades in science courses because the purpose of the test is to determine who will do well in the science program at the university.

Criterion validity evidence for the new science test as in the image:

Therefore, to provide evidence of criterion validity, administer the instrument with other instruments measuring variables that are similar (and are predicted to have high correlations) and other instruments measuring variables that are different (and are predicted to have low correlations). The same participants should complete all instruments, and then calculate the correlations between assessments. For evidence of predictive validity, give a sample the instrument at Time 1. Then wait for time to pass (probably at least a year) and give the exact same sample an instrument of a variable that your instrument should predict. Then calculate the correlation between your instrument and the predictive criterion.

Verdict: High Positive Correlation is a Measure of Criterion Validity. Values above 0.5 is said to be highly correlated.

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Concurrent Validity, Criterion validity, Postdictive validity, Predictive Validity, #ConcurrentValidity, #CriterionValidity, #PostdictiveValidity, #PredictiveValidity, Deepa-Enlighten

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